Does that enter into the cost of the ticket? 票价中包括这项吗?
The cost of the ticket is based on the total distance covered or the number of countries visited. RTW机票的价格是基于飞行的里程或是游览国家的数目而定的。
At that point, the paper noted, in order to break even, the cost of a ticket would need to be tripled to around 6 yuan per passenger. 在这一点上,报道指出,为了达到收支平衡,票价需要涨至每人6元左右,是目前价格的三倍。
The sequel cost$ 78 million to produce and enjoyed a Saturday bump from kids off of school, with ticket sales boosting 63%. 这部续集的制作成本为7800万美元,而且因为孩子们放假的缘故,该片上周六的票房得到提振,上涨63%。
The panel, which included airline and airport officials, advocated some basic principles like knowing the cost of the entire trip before purchasing a ticket. 成员包括航空公司和机场高管的这个委员会提出了一些基本的原则,比如,让乘客在购买机票前了解整个旅程的费用。
The high cost of maintaining the subway requires huge governmental investment and high ticket fares that the public can hardly afford, and those factors could doom subway operation. 这就大大提升了地铁的运营成本,为了维持地铁运营,只能加大政府投入和提高票价,由此很多老百姓坐不起地铁,就可能导致整个地铁运营的失败。
For as now the cost of a round trip ticket to the United States equals one full years salary. 因为现在去美国的来回机票费用相当于被告全年的薪水。
How much does it cost for a round trip ticket to oxford? 去牛津的双程车票是多少钱?
Believe it or not, the entire production cost was under$ 2,000 dollars US, and we ended up actually making quite a bit of money for the Williams College drama club through ticket sales. 你们知道吗,整出剧制作费不到2000元美金,但最后我们从卖票所得里赚了些钱并捐给了威廉学院的戏剧社。
In those days, a first-class fare was less than twice the cost of an economy ticket. 当年,头等舱的票价不及经济舱的2倍。
The total cost is$ will you pay for the ticket? 总票价是426美元。您要如何付款呢?
So in these cities, one must first check what the cost is for their particular destination before purchasing a ticket. 所以,在这些城市必须在买票前先查知自己搭乘里程的票价多少。
NB: The hot air balloon company waivered the cost of Ian's ticket for the flight but not Denise's! 注:热气球公司取消了伊恩的的机票费用,但不包括丹尼斯的!
The latter cost is especially troubling because it can affect the airline's average flight delay which can lead to fewer ticket sales as potential customers may choose to avoid an airline. 最后的最麻烦,因为其引起了该航空公司的平均延误时间,潜在的顾客可能因此不选择该公司而使该公司减少票源。
Of course no, just cost any thousand to buy a ticket, we can meet at once. 没有,几千块钱的飞机票马上就到。
Airlines have to become more creative about how they make money, we are now paying for things that once were included in the cost of an airline ticket. 航空公司在怎样赚钱方面应该更有创意,过去我们我们所享受的这些服务都包含在机票价格内了,现在却要为此支付费用。
On one hand the air carriers is promoting lower cost discounted ticket, on the other hand, the increasing fuel-cost made carriers adjust additional fees. 一方面是精明的廉价航空运营商推出越来越诱人的超低折扣票,另一方面,航空燃料价格上涨迫使航空公司调整国际航线燃油附加费。
She has argued that the extra cost of complying with the policy would amount to a ticket price increase of up to$ 16.30 for a transatlantic flight. 她认为,遵守这项政策所带来的额外成本,相当于一张跨大西洋航班的机票涨价至多16.30美元。
With a meal included in the cost of the ticket, it all adds up to a really good evening's entertainment. 入场券的钱里还包括了一顿饭,总起说来,这个晚上的招待算是不错了。
Does the cost of this ticket cover government fees, too? 这张票的票价里是否也包括了政府收费?
The survey compares a basket of over 200 goods and services, from imported food staples and the cost of hamburger to the price of a cinema ticket, and combines it with the cost of renting international standard accommodation. 这次调查对一篮子逾200种商品和服务的价格做了比较,并考虑了国际标准居所的租金成本。这一篮子商品和服务包括进口主食、汉堡包和电影票等等。
This act lead directly the highly increase operational cost and sharply reduced flight ticket income, estimated a total loss of 80 million RMB per year. 这一行动直接导致武航运营成本的大幅度提高和机票外收入的锐减,据估算高达8000万元/年。
Examination of the Main Aspects of the Work of the Organizations, Including the Application, The Cost of Collection, Examination, Test, Scheduling, Organizing Examinations, Ticket Printing, Print Seat to Sign, Print Sitting the Examination Room, and So On. 考务工作的环节主要包括组织报名、收缴费用、考场安排、考号编排、组织考试、打印准考证、打印座签、打印考场座位表等。
Considering the security needs and cost, the use of RFID technology in the field of financial ticket has been divided into high, medium and low security levels. 讨论了在金融票证领域使用RFID技术的各种安全需求,结合成本考虑划分出高、中、低三个安全级别,并且分别给出了针对每个级别的安全技术要求。